Chinese Forms & Manuals

Forms for Client Intake

VI-SPDAT (Replaces H1K Vulnerability Index)

  • SCC VI-SPDAT for Single Adults Updated Oct 2022
    VI-SPDAT for Single Adults – Use this version for each adult aged 25 or older with no children under age 18 in the household.
  • SCC VI-SPDAT for Youth Updated Oct 2022
    TAY VI-SPDAT (VI-Y-SPDAT) – Use this version for transition age youth (age 18-24)
  • SCC VI-SPDAT for Families Updated Oct 2022
    VI-SPDAT for Families (VI-F-SPDAT) – Use this version for households with at least one child under the age of 18.  Please use only one assessment per household and answer the questions for all members in the household.
  • SCC JD VI-SPDAT for Justice Discharges Updated March 2022
    JD-VI-SPDAT – Use this version for clients that are currently in custody but exiting jail or prison to homelessness


Program-Specific Forms

HUD Continuum of Care Program (CoC) Updated November 2023