New HMIS Partner Agency

Interested In Participating in Santa Clara County’s HMIS?


Information about clients receiving services in the SCC HMIS is shared among SCC HMIS Partner Agencies. Partner Agencies use the HMIS to document and monitor the services they provide, coordinate client care, conduct needs assessments and prioritize services, and generate reports for stakeholders. More information about the HMIS can be found here.


Application Process

All agencies that meet HMIS Partner Agency criteria (listed below) and are interested in becoming HMIS Partner Agencies are required to complete an application process to be considered. The CoC will consider applications on a rolling basis using the Santa Clara County Continuum of Care HMIS Partner Agency Policies.

The application review process is completed by CoC program staff at the Santa Clara County Office of Supportive Housing in partnership with Bitfocus. Once an application is received, the following process takes place. Items 1-3 occur usually within 15 business days.

  1. Application is reviewed to ensure it meets HMIS Partner Agency criteria.
  2. If the entity meets HMIS Partner Agency criteria, more specifics may be gathered to better understand entity’s needs, how they plan to use HMIS, and how they will meet data security requirements. If there is another way to meet an entity’s needs, staff will give resources and make connections as necessary.
  3. If the application meets initial approval from CoC program staff, the application is routed for final approval from SCC County Counsel and OSH Director.
  4. If approved, the agency will need to complete the Partner Agency Privacy and Data Sharing Agreement and can begin the onboarding process thereafter.

Applicants should be aware that HMIS configuration and access (e.g. program and services) will be consistent with SCC systemwide HMIS and subject to approval by the CoC in partnership with Bitfocus and SCC County Counsel.


To get started, complete the Santa Clara County (SCC) HMIS Partner Agency Application


After your HMIS application and agreement is approved, you may work through the following Partner Agency requirements:

  • Identify and train an HMIS TA/Agency Lead. Details about this role and the required training are here.
  • Identify and train staff who will be using the HMIS. Details are here.
  • If applicable, consult your contract and work with your program funder to determine what services you will be providing and tracking in the HMIS.